Saturday 30 November 2013

Review: Legend by Marie Lu

Legend by Marie Lu
Published by Putnam Juvenile
Released: November 29th 2011
Hardcover, 305 pages
Reviewed by Zoe
What was once the western United States is now home to the Republic, a nation perpetually at war with its neighbors. Born into an elite family in one of the Republic’s wealthiest districts, fifteen-year-old June is a prodigy being groomed for success in the Republic’s highest military circles. Born into the slums, fifteen-year-old Day is the country’s most wanted criminal. But his motives may not be as malicious as they seem.

From very different worlds, June and Day have no reason to cross paths—until the day June’s brother, Metias, is murdered and Day becomes the prime suspect. Caught in the ultimate game of cat and mouse, Day is in a race for his family’s survival, while June seeks to avenge Metias’s death. But in a shocking turn of events, the two uncover the truth of what has really brought them together, and the sinister lengths their country will go to keep its secrets.

Synopsis from GoodReads

Okay. I admit it, I'm physic. Sort of ish... I can already tell that you think/will think since I'm mentioning this: it’s cliché. But in all honesty, it is so far from that. This book description might not have caught you're attention straight away, but trust me, it is so much more than this tiny finite book jacket could ever describe. 
This story is a thriller with a side dish of romance. Legend is fast-paced action, and as I read the first line I was already intrigued. “My mother thinks I’m dead” and that was what set me off. I finished that book, and read it another 2 more times. :)
What I love about this book (and the others in the trilogy- more reviews to come) is that it’s written from both Day’s and June’s POV. I envy Marie Lu for her ability to write so well for both a guy and a girl so interchangeably! I especially like that Day is the more caring character, or at least you can tell he is (because you're in his POV). And I like that June is the one that sometimes talks harshly, and sometimes doesn't know when, or how to be kind with her actions and words. She's the one that is always stone faced, the person who shuts out her emotions so well. June's just secretive. Private. For some reason, she reminds me of a sponge. She's constantly thinking, strategizing, making plans- and when she finally comes up with a solution that she cannot give away, she just soaks that knowledge up, hides it, before it spills over and shows her secrets. Another thing: June is unlike many characters in YA books like Divergent, Obsidian, Half-Blood, etc. She's the badass (well I think so) while usually the guys are badass, and emotionless, tall, dark, handsome, older than main character... you get my message. They’re the ones who keep their "forbidden emotions" and "feelings" hidden (although none last all too long). It's not a bad thing, but just gets old. Don't you think? In any case, I like June, and how Marie Lu portrays her. June is not only smart (but of course the main character would be), and somewhat arrogant, but also a brilliant fighter. She can look after herself, that's for sure, and that's one of the things I love in a protagonist. I'm always on the look out for books with a strong heroine. ;)

Legend focuses more on the problems surrounding Day, but personally I liked June better in this novel. If you haven’t read this book already, READ IT. I am telling you, it is so totally worth your time. And once you are done that, read Prodigy, the second installment. This book was definitely an OMG.
Yours truly,
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Saturday 9 November 2013

Review: Clockwork Angel: Manga by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Angel: Manga by
 Cassandra Clare and HyeYung Baek 
Published by Yen Press
    Released: October 30th, 2012
     Paperback, 240 pages
       Source: Library 
Reviewed by Angela

A manga-adaption to the prequel of Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series, The Infernal Devices is the story of Tessa Gray, a sixteen-year-old American girl traveling alone to Victorian London who runs afoul of the city's sordid supernatural underworld. Rescued by the Shadowhunters of the London Institute, Tessa quickly finds herself caught up in an intrigue that may very well destroy her new friends - including the two enigmatic young men, Jem and Will, who have taken her under their wing...

*spoiler free*

Let me admit something, I read Clockwork Angel about, hmmm, about a year and a half ago so my memory is a little fuzzy. Maybe a little more than fuzzy. I can't remember the details and such but I still remember the more important events. And by my memory, I'm pretty sure the manga incorporated the important events into it. Of course it was shortened quite a bit, but the story line was still pretty good. But if I hadn't read Clockwork Angel before I read this, maybe I wouldn't really understand it. I'd be a bit confused.

I'm a picky manga and anime person. I like anime, but seriously, it's so hard for me to find one I like. The story might be bad, or the art isn't my type, or the guy isn't hot enough etc, I barely read manga and watch very few animes. But luckily, luckily, this was brilliant. I'm not even joking. The art is really well done, and fits my taste. It's should be made into an anime. For the Team Will out there, I'm still with you, just not here. I'm completely Team Jem. Holy peas, Jem is one smoking hot shadowhunter out there. 

The manga artist really captured the characters personality and expressions well. Like really well. Oh my goodness, Henry is adorable in there. The characters are exactly how I pictured them, heck, even better. I was like, woah, Jem is quite dashing here. Hehe Jem. Jem. <3 The only person that didn't exactly meet my expectations was Magnus. He wasn't as I pictured him. As attractive Godfrey Gao is, he isn't exactly how my Magnus is either. I don't even know how I picture Magnus. Okay, okay so Will. Yeah, he's still pretty Will. The manga kept most of this sarcasm and humor which is good. 

There's not much to say about this short book, but it guess if you like manga, or love Clockwork Angel make sure to pick this up. I usually avoid manga. They make my head spin. Oh my goodness, where do you look? Left? Right? Up? Down? Which one comes next? It's pretty confusing and I can't get into it, but this was alright. Besides, Jem<3

Will, Tessa and JEM

MORE JEM <3 just look at dat
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wow, so it's been like a long time. I'm sorry I haven't posted ANYTHING for the last while, and the truth is, I have no time. I'm still in school and I'm one of those people who have to work extra hard to get good grades. Some people get their work finished and have tons of free time, but when it comes to me, if I get it done and do a good job, the day's over and time for school. Again. I've scraped the remaining of whatver time left into reading, and I just can't seem to write reviews and blog :(( Oh, plus it's...NANOWRIMO. I'm pretty crazy. I have no time to blog but I try to write a novel in a month. So far, I'm failing epically. BUT NO FEAR. THE WEEKEND IS HERE. I actually have very little homework this week, and it's a long weekend, so I'm going to get back into this. WOOTWOOT. okay wish me luck :) you'll see me shortly.
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