Saturday 28 June 2014

Lilyan's Review: The Program by Suzanne Young

The Program by Suzanne Young

  Published By: Simon Pulse

Released: April 30th 2013

Hardcover:  405 pages

   5/5 stars


In Sloane’s world, true feelings are forbidden, teen suicide is an epidemic, and the only solution is The Program.

Sloane knows better than to cry in front of anyone. With suicide now an international epidemic, one outburst could land her in The Program, the only proven course of treatment. Sloane’s parents have already lost one child; Sloane knows they’ll do anything to keep her alive. She also knows that everyone who’s been through The Program returns as a blank slate. Because their depression is gone—but so are their memories.

Under constant surveillance at home and at school, Sloane puts on a brave face and keeps her feelings buried as deep as she can. The only person Sloane can be herself with is James. He’s promised to keep them both safe and out of treatment, and Sloane knows their love is strong enough to withstand anything. But despite the promises they made to each other, it’s getting harder to hide the truth. They are both growing weaker. Depression is setting in. And The Program is coming for them.


ARGGGGGGG. The ending. my thoughts are all over the place. I seriously need to read the second book soon ;-; I am actually not joking, this is probably the most distressing/upsetting book I've ever read.

Me when I finished the book:

Has anyone close to you committed suicide? YES

Has anyone close to you committed suicide? NO.

"Bullshit, Sloane!" James would yell out, slapping his hand on the table. "You're the worst liar ever!"

When Realm picks them up, he looks me over, studying my expression. "Guess I can't tell when you're lying," He says quietly.

           I'm not exactly sure how I would describe this book to someone. It's dystopian, but unlike any I've ever read. This book broke my heart. People just kept getting taken away or ended up dying (Millar. why D':) and oh my god James and Sloane. They just have the most intense and heartfelt relationship ever. They have to go through so much crap.

I was really surprised that liked pretty much all the characters. Obviously not Roger, but people like Tabitha and Realm. I just want to know more about him. THE EPILOGUE. OH MY GOD WILLIAM. WHAT. SHEP? DEREK? YOU GUYS TOO?

I felt for all the characters. (except roger. ew). Everyone has to fake being cheerful because the program forces them too. But the thing is, the Program is all backwards. If the program didn't exist, then teens wouldn't have to feel obligated to be happy, instead, they can grieve. The can just cry it all out, rather than keeping it all bottled up. [LET IT GOOOO] People have to act strong for each other, but sometimes a little vulnerability is good, because it shows that there's also hope. It just makes me so sad that people are scared to be sad. I mean, it is definitely a real fear. But the more you think about it, the more it becomes real.

But yeah anyway. ( i have bad transitions) Sloane's mom really made me angry and disappointed all at the same time. WHY CAN'T SHE SEE THAT SHE'S CAUSING SO MUCH DAMAGE? I just really hope that Sloane's father can somehow make her see the truth behind the Program. But the thing is, what is the program really?

-insert another awkward transition-

This book's concept was so interesting. I thought it was weird that depression was seen as disease that you could catch, but then I realized it was entirely possible. Misery loves company. Sadness isn't something that you can avoid; it's a vicious cycle.

I have so many unanswered questions. How did the program even start? What did the other countries do about the rise in suicide? How come adults don't understand how detrimental the program is? Why are so many people committing suicide? I feel like in the end, the whole thing the whole thing will be revealed an experiment, and they needed people's memories for some reason.

ugh. Just so many thoughts. Now that i think about it, i should go read a chick-lit book to make me feel better again ^-^.


ALSO: you should check out Suzanne Young's other series. A Need So Beautiful. (it's actually so beautiful)

-Lilyan (:

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