Sunday 8 December 2013

Review: Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender

Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender
Published by Scholastic Press
Released: September 24th, 2013
Hardcover, 296 pages
Reviewed by Angela
Colette Iselin is excited to go to Paris on a class trip. She’ll get to soak up the beauty and culture, and maybe even learn something about her family’s French roots.

But a series of gruesome murders are taking place across the city, putting everyone on edge. And as she tours museums and palaces, Colette keeps seeing a strange vision: a pale woman in a ball gown and powdered wig, who looks suspiciously like Marie Antoinette.

Colette knows her popular, status-obsessed friends won’t believe her, so she seeks out the help of a charming French boy. Together, they uncover a shocking secret involving a dark, hidden history. When Colette realizes she herself may hold the key to the mystery, her own life is suddenly in danger . . .

Acclaimed author Katie Alender brings heart-stopping suspense to this story of revenge, betrayal, intrigue — and one killer queen.


changed it to three stars from two stars. it really wasn't that bad, just I kinda got freaked out with the Marie Antoinette thing. since I like making lists, I'll make a list of things I liked and didn't like. that's easier to write and to read for both you and me, eh? 

THINGS I LIKED (kind of)

- okay guys. this is PARIS. we are talking CITY OF LIGHT, CITY OF LOVE. *sighs* I always wished I could go to Paris, eat some crepes and drink itty bitty cups of coffee. that sounds quite the vacation right? haha no. right after I have a chance to actually go to Paris, I'm scared that there's going to be a ghost serial killer trying to murder me. sounds bright. but who cares, it's Paris, and any book set in Paris has my approval. *nods head in approval*

- did you guys know I liked history? or as we Canadians call it 'Social Studies' in school? but yeah, I like it. love it, right beside English. my favourite part of history that we've learned was the Napoleonic Era, but the French Revolution is just before that so it's cool too. we learned about Marie Antoinette and honestly, I think the book was biased by peasants I swear. the writers of the textbook were probably descendants of the peasants from the French Revolution that hated Marie Antoinette. the parts that talked about her were all "ewewew bad queen bad queen, she was one of the main troubles of Louis XVI, extravaganza drama mama (can I borrow that line from Racing Savannah? it's funny okay)" idk, stuff like that. then I went on wiki and basically Marie Antoinette was an airhead but with a good heart. she didn't know any better yah know? this book had a good portion about history so that's a thumbs up.

THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE (as much, or was like wtf)h

- you see, we had to read this short story for English at school and it was called Golden Girl. it talks about this girl who's a popular pea wannabe. she only hangs out with her "best friend" because she's popular and she thinks it'll bring her benefits like dating hot guys and other stupid stuff. but here's the thing, she actually hates her "best friend" because she's a jealous bee. she's only a cheap imitation. ugh, get out please. so you can probably see why I don't like Colette. she does stand up for herself in the end but sheesh.

- is Jules really pronounced as "Zhools"? I liked calling Jules, Jewels better. I know that Paris is the City of Love and all that crap but it's that insta-love again. "omg, lookie lookie, hot tour guide. hehe haawt. but me friends no like him cuz he's not rich 'en sexy. well imma just sneak around with him and kiss him on top of the Eiffel Tower cuz that sounds awfully romantic yeah?" yeah. no. plus he's not even in the book much, and the relationship was way underdeveloped. 

- the plot could've been a good one if it was actually horror and not as much, whatever this was. if it had been a horror story, I wouldn't even look at it because I'm freaking scared af when it comes to this. there wasn't much mystery, no *gasp gasp, holy shit!* moment. and when you come to think of it! it's kind of ridiculous. if there had been more planning involved, perhaps I would like it better. 

- the book as a whole, the writing was mediocre. I have a feeling her "Bad Girls Don't Die" Trilogy is much better and so is the writing. but there's no way I'm reading that, so no thank you. the sentences weren't meant  for my eyes and brain. it's not compatible with me okay? I had a hard time liking the style of writing and it seemed so very...plain. it's like, pineapple juice on whole wheat bread. does that sound good to you? if it does, sure, read this book and you might be in for a surprise. 

this wasn't horrible, it really wasn't. it wasn't great either, like I hoped. but well, I read it so it's okay. if I never read it I'll never be able to say if it was worth reading. if you're into this type of stuff, be my guest. read it, try it. but otherwise, save your time. I'm sure there are better books. I'm sorry if this will disappoint anyone but, I'm not ever going to read her other books. and it's not because of this book. it's because the covers look scary and the book looks scary and me no like scary. I don't know what else to say. maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. pineapple juice bread.

p.s. is it supposed to be Marie Antoinette on the cover? Well, damn she got some ketchup on her face.


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