Sunday 8 December 2013

Review: The House of Hades by Rick Riordon

The House of Hades by Rick Riordon
Published by Hyperion Books
Released: October 8th 2013
Hardcover, 597 pages
Reviewed by Angela
 At the conclusion of The Mark of Athena, Annabeth and Percy tumble into a pit leading straight to the Underworld. The other five demigods have to put aside their grief and follow Percy’s instructions to find the mortal side of the Doors of Death. If they can fight their way through the Gaea’s forces, and Percy and Annabeth can survive the House of Hades, then the Seven will be able to seal the Doors both sides and prevent the giants from raising Gaea. But, Leo wonders, if the Doors are sealed, how will Percy and Annabeth be able to escape?

They have no choice. If the demigods don’t succeed, Gaea’s armies will never die. They have no time. In about a month, the Romans will march on Camp Half-Blood. The stakes are higher than ever in this adventure that dives into the depths of Tartarus.


*clap clap* Rick Riordon has done it again. Never fails to amaze. CLAPS FOR YOU. CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP.

House of Hades left me shell shocked. After I read the last page, I just stared at the acknowledgments for like, ten minutes. I couldn't BELIEVE it was over. ANOTHER WHOLE YEAR. THE FEELS ARE EVERYWHERE.

Okie dokes. So it's been what, twelve months since I read MoA. Truthfully, I forgot half the stuff that's happened. Also twelve months is a long, long time. And during that time, I've discovered many, many other great books and I sort of grew away from this series. It's still one of my favourites, obviously, but I wasn't counting down the days when HoH comes out. Sure, I was excited but it wasn't like like full on screaming till my head falls off. Despite all this, I still needed to read House of Hades as soon as it came out. I downloaded it but soon figured, my eyes will probably die after reading 600 pages. So I waited till I got my hand on the library copy, which was yesterday. And as you know, I finished it yesterday. Yup. It was unputadownable. That's a real word yo. It sucked me right back into this world, right back into the characters lives, RIGHT BACK INTO THIS FANDOM. wowowow.

There's so much stuff going through my head right now, it's hard to put them into words you know. I'll try my best. As you know, Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus. *dun dun duuuun* Great cliff hanger, Riordon. Just great. Leo, Jason and the rest of the team travel to save Percy and Annabeth, to the House of Hades, while Percy and Annabeth go on a not-so romantic vacation through Tartarus. Seriously, it's not a place you'll want to go on vacation. Basic plot line. Throw in some ugly, wretched monsters, some good plot twists and you've got HoH. During this book, we discovered much more about the characters, the prophecy and just so much more stuff. Unputadownable I say.

Oh man, I forgot how Rick Riordon makes me laugh. I was laughing until my sides hurt. Those darn witty lines. He'll say something totally serious at the beginning of one sentence, then say this completely random yet relevant thing at the end of it. Can I give some examples please:

“Listen,’ Leo said. ‘Frank Zhang has moves. He’s probably gonna turn into a kangaroo and do some marsupial jujitsu on their ugly faces.”

“Coach Hedge managed another heroic belch. ‘Whose palace? And is Dalmatia where those Dalmatian dogs come from? That 101 Dalmatians movie – I still have nightmares.”

“He imagined the Fates up in Olympus, laughing at his wishful thinking: LOL, NOOB!”

“The exchange had involved a lot of yelling, death threats and high-velocity pineapples.”

Okay, okay, I want to talk about characters now. Especially two, in particular. Hey hey hey. Remember that kid, who was energetic, positive and loved mythomagic? Yeah, I barely remembered. Geez, when did Nico turn into such a grouchy couch? Okay, yeah we know when and why. And it makes a lot of sense. I actually liked that plot twist, after a while at least. It gave him more depth, and more understanding. Psst, Nico was my second, next to Percy. Okay yeah, another dream gone. Poof. But anyways, I think this was a good thing. It completely took me by surprise, but like in good way. Well at first, I was kind of mad, since you know...I love Nico.

LEO. <3 He and person-who-shall-not-be-named are the cutest thing in the world *-* Leo deserves that person. Seriously, Leo is the most best guy ever. Nice grammar there. He's funny, hilarious, hardworking, gah, just the full package man. I need me a Leo. And a Percy, THANKSS.

“I’m coming back for you, *********,’ he said to the night wind. ‘I swear it on the River Styx.” Heart is melting here. Drowning in feels.

Bob and Damasen. Can I just like cry right now. Because I'm feeling that urge. I love Bob. I think he's my new favourite character. With Percy and Nico and Leo and others... "Bob says hello" *cries*

Coach Hedge <3 I KNEW IT. THERE WAS SOMETHING FISHY GOING ON. I LOVE FISH. I love the scene where Frank goes and kills all the cow monsters. ^.^ YOU GO FRANK. His "growth spurt" hahaa. He got hotter XD

This's review is getting long. I will stop it soon. This barely covered all my thoughts. I think my thoughts are scattered around here somewhere, just gotta 'em together. *gathers thoughts* Honestly, if I wrote everything down, it would take you hours to read. Okay. So. Overall, this brought me back into the Percy Jackson frenzy mode. That's like when, I go up to someone randomly and starts spewing and gushing about HoH. And they're like wtf. lol. It made me fall in love all over again with this series. This was pure magnificence. That's a big word. A big word for a big book.

I just realized, this is the fourth book. There's going to be five books. If I'm doing my math correctly, there will be one more book, till Percy Jackson ends. Like ends. Final. Finale. Fine. Sorry, excuse me while I sob my eyes out.


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