Friday 14 March 2014

Review: Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn

Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn
Published by HarperTeen
Released: June 11th, 2013
Hardcover419 pages
Reviewed by Lilyan

The spine-tingling horror of Stephen King meets an eerie mystery worthy of Sara Shepard's Pretty Little Liars series in Kate Karyus Quinn's haunting debut.

On a cool autumn night, Annaliese Rose Gordon stumbled out of the woods and into a high school party. She was screaming. Drenched in blood. Then she vanished.

A year later, Annaliese is found wandering down a road hundreds of miles away. She doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know how she got there. She only knows one thing: She is not the real Annaliese Rose Gordon.

Now Annaliese is haunted by strange visions and broken memories. Memories of a reckless, desperate wish . . . a bloody razor . . . and the faces of other girls who disappeared. Piece by piece, Annaliese's fractured memories come together to reveal a violent, endless cycle that she will never escape—unless she can unlock the twisted secrets of her past.

Summery from GoodReads


WOW, what in the world just happened. I tried to hard to understand the ending, I really did, BUT I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND.

I mean, I really enjoyed this book but, I had to go back and re-read passages to understand. There were just so many names and it confused me. Especially since it switches from third to first person.

Basically this book is about a girl names Annaliese or Anna? Who wakes up with no memory. She has been missing for a whole year and when she comes back she's different. Everyone is surprised since Dex, a boy who plays a pretty big part in the novel, video taped her disappearance. She covered in blood screaming, and then she vanishes.

Things just get more and more confusing when this guy named Logan (who the old Annaliese was infatuated with) reveals that he was with Annaliese a few hours before she disappeared.

And of course there's Eric the intimidating guy trapped in a 14-year-old's body, who is just like Annaliese.

I liked most characters. They were all very well developed since many of the passages are in first person from their POVs. Dex was a really interesting. Although I know he's a good person, at first I was slightly creeped out by him since he records screams and all, but then they book reveals that he has a secret too and I started to understand why he did what he did.  The romance was cute aha.

Back to the plot: It was perplexing. I would have to re-read until I got the concept. I could follow and comprehend the plot (mostly) until the last two chapters. It frustrates me how complicated the ending was. The ending was good, but it didn't make sense to me.

The idea of the physician baffled me. Who is he really? What is his purpose? They are so many unanswered questions. When Annaliese took over the monsters body, the physician expected her to do that and then transfer again to Lacey. Why did that not happen? Did the Brujas find her first? What happened to Franky after he got freed from Logan's body? What happened to the monsters body? I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND.

But the poetry was beautiful and the plot was original. Every time I thought something was going to happen, it didn't. They were so many twists and turns-I couldn't put this down.

-Lilyan (:

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