Thursday 20 March 2014

Review: White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout

White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Published by Harlequin Teen
Released: February 25th 2014
Paperback400 pages
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Angela

One kiss could be the last

Seventeen-year-old Layla just wants to be normal. But with a kiss that kills anything with a soul, she's anything but normal. Half demon, half gargoyle, Layla has abilities no one else possesses.

Raised among the Wardens—a race of gargoyles tasked with hunting demons and keeping humanity safe—Layla tries to fit in, but that means hiding her own dark side from those she loves the most. Especially Zayne, the swoon-worthy, incredibly gorgeous and completely off-limits Warden she's crushed on since forever.

Then she meets Roth—a tattooed, sinfully hot demon who claims to know all her secrets. Layla knows she should stay away, but she's not sure she wants to—especially when that whole no-kissing thing isn't an issue, considering Roth has no soul.

But when Layla discovers she's the reason for the violent demon uprising, trusting Roth could not only ruin her chances with Zayne…it could brand her a traitor to her family. Worse yet, it could become a one-way ticket to the end of the world.

Summery from Goodreads


The thing about JLA is that all her books are more or less the same. Being a big fan of her, I do enjoy her books a whole lot. The writing, humour, its no doubt entertaining. But...that's it really. Covenant, Lux, Dark Elements basically all have the same feel to it. It's not bad, which is why I keep reading her books, but for people who wish to read something different,'re not going to get it.

I wasn't really planning on reading White Hot Kiss, mostly because of the cover. It seemed adultish which I'm not in the mood to read. Well, its not my preferred genre. I didn't look much into it either, finding out whether its YA, NA or plain adult. But after a Facebook status clarifying that it was YA, I decided to give it a try.

It didn't disappoint, obviously. I'm glad I read it because it was largely entertaining and interesting. But again, it didn't leave much of an imprint on me either.

Most of the characters were fine. I didn't fall in love with any of them, but I did really like Roth :'D And Layla is just too damn special. And everyone just likes her so damn much. smh. She wasn't my favourite heroine but she wasn't so annoying that I wanted to kick her off a cliff saying good riddance. Other characters were just ehh. I'm not very invested in their well being. I would say sorry if they died but I wouldn't mean it. Sorry. (I think Roth is rubbing off on me :P)

I was only a bit confused about the world. Wardens have come out of hiding and been exposed to the public. seems like the rest of the world is pretty A-Okay with that. Sure, there's been rallies and some discrimination but I thought the world would go somewhat berserk. I mean, WARDENS MAN, you don't just go on with the rest of your life acting like nothings really changed. Idk. Its weird.

Gargoyles aren't my thing. They aren't. Lets just say I've come across this disturbing book about them innocently browsing Goodreads. *shivers* I wasn't too pumped after hearing that this is what the book was going to be about. After I've read it, my view of gargoyles has risen a bit from utter disgust. Wardens are portrayed almost human in here, and not badassery enough. They were just going on in their lives and its hella boring. Gimme some action.

Either you're a fan of Jennifer L. Armentrout, or not, or have never read her books or heard about them, this is worth it. All her books are worth it, really.

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